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Cap Centre memories and Globe Poster history

Here at Axel F, we don't just party, we're also curating some beloved cultural history. In that spirit we invite you to follow up on a theme we touched on last month by checking out a couple of pieces penned by our own Adrian Loving for

Classic Capital Centre Moments

D.C. Soul Revealed in Globe Poster Art

And as a bonus, you should also check out NPR's story on Globe Poster:

Globe Poster: An Illustrated History Of American Music : NPR

The Queen and the Godfather, Sat. May 26

There really was no other way to do this one. 

Saturday, May 26
10pm - 3am
$5 before 10pm / $10 after
Liv Nightclub
2011 11th St NW, WDC


Donna Summer (1948 - 2012)

Much more than just a pretty face and a sexy stage persona, Donna Summer had one of the most powerful voices of her peer group, giving weight and significance to dance music in the '70s and '80s.



Chuck Brown (1936 - 2012)

James wasn't the only Godfather. DC has lost ours. We'll never be the same.

As much as this hurts, it makes us smile to remember a mid-career Chuck, fit, jheri-curled and rocking a gold rope. He cranked for four decades, but this Axel F era snapshot from the Capital Centre is how many of us grew to love him. 



Adam Yauch (1964 - 2012)

What an amazing journey in a short 47 years.

From this:

To this:

Farewell, MCA.

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